What We Stand For


The Joy~Nostalg CHRISTUDE Values are the core principles and standards upon which Joy~Nostalg was founded and shall be guided by in engaging its Mission and realizing its Vision. Joy~Nostalg is called to be fully alive in aspiration and highly mindful in inspiration to live its CHRISTUDE Values as its Identity and its Culture. Moreover, the Joy~Nostalg CHRISTUDE Values are to be shared to all families and communities to sparkle by.

COMMITMENT is our choice to be purposefully passionate and pious in pursuing the plenary performance of our pledges; painlessly.

HAPPINESS is our choice to be gratefully happy and humbled as the cause and causing for joy hope and love in all of life and its goodness; always.

RESPONSIBILITY is our choice to be willfully ready and reliable in leading ourselves in all endeavors and challenges to accountable success; diligently.

INTEGRITY is our choice to be honorably courageous and consistent in conducting ourselves in wholeness, honesty and fairness; truthfully.

SIMPLICITY is our choice to be sagely centered in charting correct clarity amidst complexities for ease, efficiency and efficacy of our solutions; freely.

TENACITY is our choice to be firmly resolute with perseverance and precision to have and hold our aspirations to achievements; constantly.

UNITY is our choice to be ubiquitously one in soul mind and body, together as family, for others as community, aligned in diversity; unanimously.

DYNAMISM is our choice to be creatively successful to achieve greatness, empowered with enterprising force and entrepreneurial spirit; respectfully.

EXCELLENCE is our choice to be wonderfully great to excel and fulfill our mission by artful design beyond impossibilities and indifference, with grace and glory for God; truly.

CHRISTUDE is our authentic choice to be spiritually Christ-like in our opportune way of life for servitude and stewardship, with compassion in thinking with our hearts and feeling with our minds, for our love and light to radiate together for others, celebrating and bearing witness to the Love of Christ, and to genuinely answer His Call and Will to love; joyfully.


On 2019, Jacinto C. Ng, Jr. has finally and completely defined officially the 10 Joy~Nostalg CHRISTUDE Values; values that were learned from the articulation [Responsibility, Integrity, Simplicity] and inspiration [Commitment, Tenacity, Unity, Dynamism, Excellence] of our Chairman, Jacinto Ng, Sr. together with Anita Ng, and were the guiding light of Jacinto C. Ng, Jr. [Happiness and Christude]. 



                1. Pagmamahal sa Pamilya

                2. Kasipagan

                3. Pagtitiyaga

                4. Passion (silakbo ng damdamin)

                5. Tibay ng loob

                6. Katapangan

                7. Disiplina

                8. Pakikipagkapwa-tao

                9. Pangako

               10. Kabayanihan

               11. Pagpupunyagi

               12. Pananalig sa Diyos



Joy~Nostalg; is the manifestation of our identity, culture and our brand promise-commitment emanating from our CHRISTUDE Values; to always be a source of happiness in all moments of our endeavors and enterprises (throughout our value-chain) for all whom we affect (all stakeholders), and to do so to the standard that all who experience us will enjoy our compelling relevance worth their memories for continuing cycle of hope for more happiness. Hence, our name- the joy that we share that will be nostalgic for more; Joy~Nostalg. 

Creates; is to reflect our tenacity and deliberate intention and commitment to be dynamic in our manner, design and results of our creative and innovative products and services solutions; ensuring that indeed our endeavors and enterprises will be relevant and compelling, eclectically unique and special and above all, an excellent source of happiness and hope for all whom we affect, from all that we do, by all that we are.

Caters; (And Caters) is to greatly emphasize our willful happiness and integrity of genuinely wanting to be a source happiness and hope to all whom we affect by staking ourselves in sharing and serving our products and services solutions with grateful passion and affection (and not just to be a compliant provider of products and services solutions but one that is lively and vigorous in our servitude). To cater is to ensure that we nurture a symbiotic culture of continuing excellent relationships to all whom we affect, with unity within us, from us, for all others.

Moments; signifies the constant responsibility we take upon ourselves to create and cater happiness at all times and in all opportunities to manifest our identity; and even to the extent that we create unique and special moments above and beyond the usual encounters to all whom we affect.

Happiness; (Of Happiness) is the near-term goal quality of endeavors and enterprises, whereby all whom we affect will experience satisfaction, delight and happiness from the manner, design and results of our products and service solutions. Happiness, further reflects our shared spirit and culture, driven ultimately by our CHRISTUDE Values, in our collective context of character and competence.

For; is to emphasize the deep sense of purpose and commitment, yet naturally and simply, to constantly achieve a higher standard of excellence that is truly relevant and compelling to all whom we affect in all that we do.

Memories; is the ultimate desirable long-term  quality  results of our happiness intent and purpose in the Moments that we create and cater; in that the Moments are excellently good that it is memorable, that it is worthy of being converted and committed to Memories to be treasured by all whom we affect.

Hope; (Of Hope), is the permanent future-term quality results of the Memories we consequently create and cater throughout the Moments of Happiness; in which all whom we affect will ultimately have a yearning for more of our excellently good products and service solutions, of being hopeful for our shared future, and perhaps more Moments of a better future of Happiness, as we are symbiotically encouraged by humble gratitude and our CHRISTUDE Values to indeed be better in our endeavors and enterprises for all whom we affect.

Others; (For Others), is the ultimate expression of our very CHRISTUDE Value in emulating the attitude of Christ of being relevant and compelling for beyond ourselves and our own benefit, but more so importantly, for the sincere benefit For Others, for all whom we affect-  from our own families to the families of our partners, families of our customers and to our larger community and eventually for our country. We exist in our CHRISTUDE culture with the purpose to shine our character and share our competence to radiate compassionately for the benefit for all Others. Thus in all our collective aspects- spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional and social aspects, we are to be wholly Joy~Nostalg, to exist and live to the fullest of Values, Mission and Vision.



Joy~Nostalg; is the manifestation of our identity, culture and our brand promise-commitment emanating from both our CHRISTUDE Values and our Mission of Happiness and Hope for Others in all that we do in service and in results.

Homes; are for all, houses for families (of aesthetic values in forms and functionalities of plan, exteriors and interiors) and yet, townships for communities (total planning and development encompassing residential, commercial, industrial, institutional [school, church, hospital], and recreational [parks, sports] life, utilities and landscape aspects), and relevant to all Filipino socio-economic markets nationwide.

Additionally Homes; is with utmost focus for "others" whose families are homeless (housing), far away (dormitory) and underprivileged (rentals); but also, for those whose families are aspiring and growing themselves and our country nation at the same time (designer homes, lifestyle homes- shophouse, heritage-house, lifestage homes).

For; is the clarity and honesty of purpose with the fullness to fulfill our Vision, and to be clear, in the context of property development from the physical lifestyle environment to its identity and culture, and including the parallel digital realm of experiences.

Happiness; is the near-term goal quality of our Homes, whereby families and communities with our servitude and specialties, will experience the dignity, honor, wholeness, reward and celebration of joy and jubilence in every moment we curate that will be worthy of their memories (home investment, property management, promoting relationship management, digital service and commerce).

And; is the uncompromising duality and equality of our goal quality in ensuring the cyclical sustainability of our Vision today and tomorrow; and thus, the longevity of our Enterprise by valuing property over a recurring long term period, if not, then in some form of perpetuity (Projects vs Enterprise; Properties vs Assets; Development vs Redevelopment).

Hope; is the long-term goal quality of our Homes, whereby families and communities with our curated moments and memories, will be empowered and inspired to sustainably live an identity, a culture and a lifestyle that will be promising and prosperous for the future that betters the Filipino family (home ownership, community building, leveraging relationship synergies, livelihood promotion and development).

Forever; is the fervent embodiment of perpetuating and institutionalizing the leadership aspirations and objectives of our JNG organization, team and family, together with our JNG enterprise, social business and foundation through our JNG properties, products and services across generations of our families, our stakeholders' families and our customers' families; ensuring and enshrining the relevance of JNG for the good of our nation and for the compliance of the Greater Will, as well as compelling JNG to always lead, innovate and be creative of its Models and Solutions across time...and always within the perspective of our CHRISTUDE Values and Mission of Happiness and Hope for Others.

"!", Exclamation Mark; is to emphasize that indeed this JNG Vision is very much more than just empowering ambitions or good to great intentions, but truly, it is our Passion- a Passion to live by, a Passion to love with.



Creating and Cherishing Moments, 
Celebrating and Commemorating Memories.

Joy~Nostalg is the experience and expression of a cultural lifestyle identity of persons engaging the joys of life, creating and converting moments into memories of hope and happiness to cherish and celebrate with and for others.

Extraordinary Enclaves: RESTORE DIGNITY 
Everyhome Enclaves: REKINDLE HOPE 



The Joy~Nostalg Purpose Motto reflects the ubiquitous intent of Joy~Nostalg to manifest its CHRISTUDE Values and Mission to “Create and Cater...”, hence - “Spark”, “...Moments of Happiness for Memories of Hope…”, hence - “Joy”, forever more, hence the Joy~Nostalg created word - “Morever”. 

The asterisk “*”, represents the Love and Light of Joy~Nostalg sparking. And the exclamation mark “!”, represents the passion, dynamism and vibrancy of Joy~Nostalg in engaging its Values and Mission.


The Joy~Nostalg Group is headed by Mr. Jacinto C. Ng, Jr., philanthropist and champion of humane socialized housing in the Philippines.  The eldest son of Rebisco founder Jacinto L. Ng, Sr., he graduated from the University of the Philippines with a degree in Architecture.  He apprenticed under C. Y. Lee, the architect of Taipei 101, one of the tallest buildings in the world.

Mr. Ng is a board director of Highlands Prime Inc., Asia United Insurance Corp., Manila Bay Development Corp., Quantuvis Resources Corp., as well as a nonexecutive director of Belle Corp.  He is a board member of the Rebisco Foundation, the Xavier School Board of Trustees, and is Chairman of the Xavier School Educational Trust Fund.

Joy Nostalg leaders have 7 tenets.


As JNG leaders, we have the tenacity to overcome any challenges, and we do not easily feel overwhelmed with changes. We do not allow things or situations to control us, rather, we take full control of them. We do not succumb to stress, we dismiss any negativity, and we never quit. Instead, we clear our minds and find solutions as we perform our tasks with a forward-thinking approach.


As JNG leaders, we know when to talk and when to listen to others, and when we communicate, we do so in a manner that provides clarity and direction. We act with integrity and we inspire and motivate others to be better and to do better. By empowering our team, we enable them to have a voice  and give them the autonomy to perform their responsibilities. 


As JNG leaders, we give detailed, definite answers to avoid confusion between team members and colleagues. We give direct answers instead of beating around the bush. We communicate in black and white, eliminating any grey areas in between.
In the context of war, we take charge when we have a precise and definitive response if the general asks if we are winning the battle.


As JNG leaders, we encourage our members to perform at their best. When a subordinate falls short, we talk to them and train them to do better. There is no room for poor or lack of performance. We execute and we deliver only the best results. 

In a team, duties must be divided fairly and its team members must perform the responsibilities assigned to them. Being in a team means carrying the load evenly and together. It doesn’t mean a team member should be burdened and carry the load of another just because another member cannot perform his or her duties.

JNG leaders will not allow work subsidy. Leaders demand accountability and will not allow any team member to subsidize the output of a non-performing member. The leader will coach and mentor to bring out the best of the member of the team. If the person remains to be ineffective, the leader shall not hesitate to replace the person immediately.


As JNG leaders, we do not subscribe to an authoritarian or dictatorial style of leadership. We are not mere commanders and we do not regard our colleagues, subordinates, and team as powerless followers. 

We listen to each other, regardless of rank, by respecting opinions and suggestions. We accept that we make mistakes and we learn from them. We collaborate with each other and foster participation in decision-making. 


As JNG leaders, we do not operate by democracy but through consensus in making decisions.  Democracy subscribes to the majority ruling where the minority is ruled out.

In a consensus, everyone has a voice and everyone’s opinion is heard. We promote harmonious relationships and group solidarity as we believe that a unanimous decision is best achieved through clear communication, cooperation, collaboration and coordination.


As JNG leaders, we solve any problem even before it arises. By proactively seeking ways to improve the performance of a team member or the efficiency of a process, we keep our workplace in its best state. 

We believe that nothing is in its final form—that’s why we continue to make our team and our output better over time. By creating opportunities, we promote growth.

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